30 Apr 2020

Return to school for students starts 11 May
Dear Parents and Carers
In consultation with the Department of Education (DoE) and advice from the Australian Health Protection Principal Committee (AHPPC) Centaur PS will be moving into our ‘Phase One’ return to school plan starting Monday 11 May 2020. This plan is for students to commence attending school one day per week and learn remotely 4 days per week.
Your child’s allocated school day onsite is determined by their last name.
Monday (starting 11 May): Surnames A - E
Tuesday (starting 12 May): Surnames F - K
Thursday (starting 14 May): Surnames L - R
Friday (starting 15 May): Surnames S-Z
To follow the new attendance guidelines and allow for organisation could you please ensure you contact your child’s classroom teacher to confirm your child will be in attendance on their allocated day.
For days your child/ren are not rostered to attend school onsite, we ask that you keep them learning from home if you are able to. Centaur will be open for ‘Essential Workers’. Please ensure you contact your child/ren’s teacher/s to discuss this.
If your child is sick or exhibiting any symptoms of cold and flu please keep them home and seek medical advice. Also, any child who presents unwell throughout the day will be sent home immediately.
Thank you for your continued support during this time.
Corrie Stephenson
View or download our official letter - Phase One
Please contact the school if you have any questions.