Each school in NSW offers something slightly different depending on the community. Here's what we offer for you.
All canteens in NSW public schools must meet certain requirements. These include providing more healthy food and drink options – to make the healthy choice an easy choice for students. Visit Healthy school canteens to learn more.
When and how to order
Centaur's canteen is managed by Michelle Kempnich. Any questions regarding the menu or anything canteen related please contact her on 0415 955 719, or connect with her via the P&C's private Facebook group.
The canteen is open each Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Only ONLINE ORDERS are accepted, through Spriggy Schools and strictly LUNCH ORDERS ONLY.
Please remember that the cut off for online ordering is 8.30am the day lunch is required. If you miss the cut off, you can phone an order through to Michelle until 9am. Payment will need to be made over the phone.
The most up to date menu can be found on the Spriggy Schools website or app. There is a small selection of snack items that can be purchased and placed in your child's bag for recess if needed.
Current menu

When students wear a school uniform, they feel included in our school community.
Students, teachers, parents and carers, as well as members of our local community helped develop our school uniform to make sure it:
meets the requirements of occupational health and safety, anti-discrimination and equal opportunity legislation
includes items that are affordable, comfortable and made from easy-care and easy-wear fabrics
is appropriate for the full range of school activities
is suitable for all body shapes.
Learn more about the NSW Department of Education’s School Uniform Policy.
Centaur's uniform
Our base uniform consists of navy shorts and skorts, a navy/pale blue polo, along with a revisible bucket hat. A limited supply of broad brimmed hats are currently still available. All items are printed with our school logo or initials. Other items include a seniors polo for Year 6 students, sports polo and full zip fleece jacket.
Children should wear black shoes with white socks. Shoes may be joggers or the more formal leather type.
Pricing and ordering
Please view the order form for a full list with pricing.
Our shop is located in the hall and is open each Wednesday morning from 8:15 to 9:00 a.m. We can take orders via our School Stream app with payment through School Bytes. Or pop into the office to complete a paper order and pay via cash or eftpos.
Orders with payment received will be sent home with the student, unless other arrangements are noted on the order.
Kindergarten uniform pack
We offer a pack costing $175 to upcoming kindergarten students which includes two shorts/skorts, two polos, one sports polo and one bucket hat.
Orders can be placed via school stream and payment through School Bytes, or download the order form and pop into the office.
Hiring our facilities
You may apply to use our school’s facilities for appropriate purposes provided your hiring of the facility doesn't interfere with our teaching and learning programs.
We assess each application on a case-by-case basis. Find out more at Using school facilities.
If you’re interested in hiring our facilities, contact us for details.